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   My name is Chelsey Probst and I am a graduate from Michigan State University with a Bachelor's in Media Arts and Technology. I am pursuing a career as a Game Designer/Writer. Although I enjoy every other aspect of designing: game design, web design, graphic design - you get the idea. No other medium is quite like video games in that the player is a part of the story and the fantasy rather than the observer.  This interactive facet is what captured my initial interest in game design. Yet, the industry is still budding and I wish to nurture it into a terrestrial Vitraya Ramunong (The Tree of Souls). If you wish to further discover about my unique personality and background please continue reading. If not, please feel free to explore the rest of my site. Enjoy and happy gaming!

“Time passes, people move… Like a river’s flow, it never ends…. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition…Young love will become deep affection…The clear water’s surface reflects growth…Now listen to the Serenade of Water to reflect upon yourself….”
~ Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

   Spoken by Sheik, this is one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite games of all time. It reflects upon my own growth as a game designer, and I hope that both my growth and my work in the future will impact others to pursue their own dreams as others have impacted mine.

   My dream began when I first borrowed an original GameBoy from an older cousin with a copy of Pokemon Blue. From that moment on I was hooked. I ended up stealing it from him on every given chance until he finally said, "Keep it." My parents eventually purchased a 


This is one of the highlights of my life. Yeah, that guy on the right - Nobuo Uematsu. I screamed like a little girl when I was in line. In my head, of course, because otherwise that would have been awkward - for other people.  

GameBoy Color for me only for the reason of keeping me quiet on my sister's club volleyball car trips (and to give my cousin’s back), which worked beautifully until I beat the games and needed a fresh distraction. This continued until I learned of consoles – really big GameBoys with longer games! I continued to visit more cousins so that I could play their consoles, not being able to purchase my own – I was 6, therefore no cash flow. Never in my childhood did creating video games even cross my mind. I was destined for the WNBA!

   That one didn’t pan out – reality sometimes manages to overcome our expectations. However, my mind began to consider other options, such as the stories from video games, books, and action figures that enthralled my impressionable childhood with outrageous stories. My childish adventures turned to an ambition to establish my own story, my own dream, my own imprint. How better to project my ideas than through a medium in which I could never out-grow yet held that familiar childhood wonderment. The games I had played as a child became tools for learning as well as new games I continued to explore.

   Throughout college I have learned Autodesk Maya, Unity 3D, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Blender, and a whole mess of software in order to succeed. (Now I know why games are so expensive – sweat and tears, sweat, and tears.) But my affection for creating games hasn’t diminished any less than my love of playing them. And through this I have seen growth in myself from the child who used to think nothing of breaking or discarding what a designer had so lovingly built. In time, I will be a game designer, and my games will inspire an imagination. That imagination will inspire another game designer, who will inspire more imagination. As time flows, and the river of imagination continues so will games evolve and grow as much as the people who create them.

Things not “video” game related:
   I was a member of the Michigan State Volleyball team (#2) and I love sports as much as video games. I also love pretty much anything to do with Japan: JRPGs, anime, manga, sushi and seafood, green tea, Japanese, islands, etc. And of course I love reading and writing. I am blessed to be able to pursue all of the many things I love to do.

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